The Plight


The state of sedation
the struggle for awareness.
A veil
of weighted hearts
hangs heavy
as a loved one
to find comfort
and peace
from the pain.
The struggle of all
becomes palpable
as time,
precious time
ticks on.
Deb Correia
Revised 5/25/15 ©

I recently found this poem that I had written when my brother was fighting cancer.  During that time he lived across country with his girl friend, but the remainder of his family lived on the east coast.   It was through conversations with her, as well as stories from others who have had loved ones suffer through this awful disease that we realize the struggle is very real.  The person who is suffering wants clarity of mind during their last days, but ALL want the person to be pain free or as comfortable as possible.  However, the ugliness of cancer makes this a difficult task at best.  It is a plight that is familiar to those touched by this disease. Thank you Lesli for being there for him. xo

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